tokyo view


  ■ Examination for Japanese University Admission for International    Student

  International students who wish to study at the undergraduate level at universities
 or other such higher educational institutions in Japan possess the Japanese language
 skills and the basic academic abilities needed to study at those institutions.

  EJU is held twice a year.Depending on the university they wish to enter and the  course of study they wish to pursue, the examinees select the subject tests that they
 will take from the following.

  a. The test in Japanese as a Foreign Language consists of writing, reading
    comprehension, and listening and listening-reading comprehension.
  b. In the science test, examinees select two subjects from physics, chemistry and
    biology depending on the requirements of the university they wish to enter and
    the course of study they wish to pursue.
  c. In the mathematics test, examinees select either of Course 1 if they plan to enter
    liberal arts programs or science programs requiring comparatively less
    knowledge of mathematics, or Course 2 if they plan to enter programs requiring
    advanced knowledge of mathematics depending on the requirements of the
    university they wish to enter and the course of study they wish to pursue.
  d. Examinees may not choose to take both the Science test and the Japan and the
    World test.

  Examinees who achieve a superior score on EJU are eligible to receive Honors
 Scholarships for PrivatelyFinanced International Students
after enrolling in a Japanese
 university. Those who wish to be considered for this scholarship must indicate this
 intention on their EJU application.






Tokyo University


  ■ Brush Up!

  ● EJU(Japanese as a Foreign Language - reading)            ● EJU(Science - Physics)

  ● EJU(Japanese as a Foreign Language - listening)           ● EJU(Science - Chemistry)

  ● EJU(Japanese as a Foreign Language - listening & reading )     ● EJU(Science - Biology)

  ● EJU(Japan and the World)                     ● EJU(Mathematics−Course 2)

  ● EJU(Writing)                           ● EJU(Mathematics−Course 1)

  <Class Timetale>


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  Limitation of use | Last Updated : 2018.2.13